

Welcome! Climate, biogeochemical cycles, and planetary tectonics are the three basic processes that shape the environment. Geoscientists face a unique challenge in seeking to understand the complexity of the Earth's physical and biogeochemical systems. The surface environment of the Earth is controlled by interactions between the deep Earth, the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, and the biosphere. These interactions occur on timescales ranging from picoseconds for chemical reactions on mineral surfaces to the billions of years over which plate tectonic processes and biological evolution have radically altered the composition of the atmosphere. Princeton’s Department of Geosciences is at the forefront of scientific discovery in the solid earth, the environmental geosciences and oceanography/climate science. Our faculty and students address critical societal issues, such as climate change and geologic hazards, through research and education at all levels. Our mission is to understand Earth’s history and its future, the energy and resources required to support an increasing global population, and the challenge of sustainability in a changing climate. Interested in coming to Geosciences for graduate school? Please get in touch with individual faculty members to find out more and ask about visiting us!

Photo Above: Students exploring the area around Bears Ears at a place called Arch Canyon Overlook, inside Mystery Valley that is part of Monument Valley Tribal Park, AZ. Photo courtesy of Tommy Rock (GEO 360)


Curtis Deutsch profile pic

Prof. Curtis A. Deutsch
Professor of Geosciences and the High Meadows Environmental Institute

Latest News - 2024

Congratulations to Dr. Elena Watts for successfully defending her Ph.D. Thesis
Dec. 23, 2024
Written by Geosciences Princeton University
Guyot Hall’s Allosaurus takes a winter break for restoration
Dec. 9, 2024
Written by Demara White, Office of Communications

Upcoming Events - 2024

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