About Us

The Geosciences Department, together with its affiliated inter-departmental programs and institutes, serves as the central focus for the Earth, atmospheric and oceanographic sciences at Princeton. As such we encompass a rich diversity of scientific expertise and initiative that ranges, for example, from the measurement and modeling of biogeochemical cycles and global climatic change, to high-pressure mineral physics, to seismic tomographic imaging of the Earth's interior and the analysis of terrestrial and planetary tectonics.

Thomas S. Duffy, Department Chair
Frederik J. Simons, Associate Chair
Nora K. Zelizer, Department Manager

Undergraduate Work Committee

Allan M. RubinDirector of Undergraduate Studies (DUS), Chair
Laure ResplandyDirector of the Minor (DoM)
Committee Members: Elizabeth Niespolo and Curtis A. Deutsch

Graduate Work Committee

John A. Higgins, Director of Graduate Studies (DGS), Chair
Committee Members: Jie Deng, JeroenTromp, and Bess Ward

Diversity Committee

Jenna A. Lee, Paridhi Rustogi and Hannah L. Hunter, Graduate Student Representatives
Samantha G. Fortin and Udara Amarathunga, Postdoctoral Representatives
NN, Faculty Representative
NN, Undergraduate Student Representative  

Visit the Diversity, Equity, Access, and Inclusion webpage.