W. Jason Morgan *64

Knox Taylor Professor of Geology and Professor of Geophysics
Department of Geosciences
Geology, Geophysics

Knox Taylor Professor of Geology

and Professor of Geophysics, 1967 - 2003

W. Jason Morgan passed away on July 31, 2023 at his home in Beverly, Massachusetts. Morgan (*64, Faculty 1967-2003), the Knox Taylor Professor of Geosciences emeritus, was an enormously influential figure in shaping our understanding of the movements of our planet’s surface and its interior. He was awarded the National Medal of Science in 2002 "For his development of the theories of plate tectonics and of deep mantle plumes, which revolutionized our understanding of the geological forces that control the earth’s crust and deep interior and consequently influence the evolution of the earth’s life and climate." Jason was a valued colleague, a generous mentor, and a popular teacher who will be greatly missed.

Title: Knox Taylor Professor of Geology and Professor of Geophysics, Emeritus

Area(s): Geology, Geophysics

Honoring W. Jason Morgan *64, Faculty Emeritus

W. Jason Morgan *64 (1935-2023) was honored at Princeton on Saturday, October 7, 2023, with events organized by the Morgan family and the Geosciences Department.

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