PWiGS & PUGS - Early Career in Geosciences Panel

May 10, 2023, 6:30 pm7:30 pm
Guyot 220
  • All Welcome
  • PWiGS members
  • PUGS



Event Description

PWIGS and PUGs are hosting an Early Career in Geosciences Panel next Wednesday May 10 in Guyot 220 at 6:30pm - this will be catered by Tacoria!  

Everyone is welcome and this will be a great opportunity to come learn more about potential career paths after graduation. The panel is geared towards career choices outside of academia and has a mix of undergraduate and graduate alums! If you are interested please fill out the following form (so we can get an idea of how much food to order): 

See panelist on the flyer

  • Geosciences
  • PWiGS
  • PUGS

To request disability-related accommodations for any of our events, please contact The Office of Disabilities Services at [email protected] or 609-258-8840, at least 3 working days prior to the event.