Geosciences' 2016 alumnus, Brenhin Keller, and 1996 alumna, Suzan van der Lee, honored at the American Geophysical Union 2024 Fall Meeting on December 11, 2024.
Professor Gabriel Vecchi, Knox Taylor Professor of Geosciences, Director at High Meadows Environmental Institute (HMEI) and Deputy Director at Cooperative Institute for Modeling the Earth System (CIMES), accepted his Fellowship at the American Geophysical Union 2024 Fall Meeting in Washington D.C. on December 11, 2024.
The Department of Geosciences and Princeton University congratulates Dr. Elena Watts on successfully defending her Ph.D. thesis: “Time as a Symptom: Geochronologic and Geochemical Insights Into Intrusive Silicic Magmatism" on Friday, November 15, 2024.
On display for over 60 years at Princeton, the iconic dinosaur has journeyed to Canada for restoration and will return to a new home on campus next year.
A listing of department members' participation at the 2024 Annual AGU Fall Meeting, featuring external links to poster or oral abstracts.
The Department of Geosciences and Princeton University congratulates Dr. Congyue Cui on successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis: “Global Adjoint Tomography with Source Encoding" on Friday, November 8, 2024.
The Department of Geosciences and Princeton University congratulates Dr. Chenggong Wang on successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis: “On the role of atmosphere physics and warming pattern in climate feedback" on Thursday, October 24, 2024.
After 60+ years of being on display in Guyot Hall, “Al” the Allosaurus is wintering in Canada before being re-installed across Washington Road in the new ES building, the future home of Geosciences, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and the High Meadows Environmental Institute.
The Department of Geosciences and Princeton University congratulates Dr. Lucas Sawade on successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis: “Global Centroid Moment Tensor Inversion in a Heterogeneous Earth" on Monday, October 21, 2024.
Browse News Archive
Return on Information - New Jersey (RIO-NJ) has named Professor Laure Resplandy, along with others, a 2024 RIO-NJ Influencer for Environment. RIO-NJ is a new media company that has a goal to connect New Jersey businesses with information that will better their investment decisions.
On Wednesday, October 9, 2024, graduate students Will Eaton and Theo Green organized a GEO trivia night as an evening social event for the department.
Tanya Marshall, a postdoctoral researcher in Professor Daniel Sigman’s lab, has been named a Presidential Postdoctoral Research Fellow.
“It is unusual in a number of ways,” Princeton University climate scientist and hurricane expert Prof. Gabriel Vecchi said. “This storm is probably going to be very unlike any storm anyone has experienced on the west coast of Florida.”
Online misinformation is clouding the truth about the record-breaking storm as it approaches Florida. (Vecchi mention)