Dec. 14, 2011
This past Thursday, December 8, 2011, local middle school students from the Community House After School Academy (CHASA) came to Guyot Hall to learn a bit about Earth science. Mineral collection curator, Chris Holl, Christine Chen '13, and Brenhin Keller 'GS jointly taught a lesson about the difference between rocks and minerals; showing the students a variety of different minerals from the department's mineral collection currently managed by Holl.
This event was a joint effort between CHASA and the newly-created Princeton Undergraduate Geosciences Society (PUGS). PUGS is seeking to expand its engagement in civic outreach projects. If you are interested in collaborating with PUGS, please send an e-mail to Christine Chen '13 at [email protected].
Middle school students from CHASA learn about Geosciences from Chris Holl, Christine Chen ’13, and
Brenhin Keller ’GS.
Brenhin Keller ’GS.