Title: Professor of Geosciences
Position: Faculty, Department of Geosciences. Associate Chair, The Department of Geosciences
Group: Global Geophysics
Area(s): Geophysics
Research summary: My research encompasses various aspects of solid-earth geophysics. More specifically, I study the physical properties of the terrestrial lithosphere, focusing in particular on the elastic and thermo-mechanical properties of the continents, by seismic tomography and the (cross-)spectral analysis of gravity and topography. I have developed mathematical methods for the localized analysis of scalar and vectorial fields on the sphere, for satellite geodesy, geomagnetism, and cosmology, designed wavelet-based signal processing methods for global and exploration seismology, and developed oceanic instrumentation to close the seismic coverage gap over the Earth's oceans.
Key words: seismology, geodesy, geomagnetism, inverse problems, oceanic instrumentation