Title: George J. Magee Professor of Geoscience and Geological Engineering, Emeritus
Position: Professor of Geosciences, Emeritus. Director, Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modeling Program (SOCCOM). Senior Scholar, Princeton Environmental Institute
Group: Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modeling Program
Area(s): Climate Science
Jorge Sarmiento, the George J. Magee Professor of Geoscience and Geological Engineering, emeritus and Professor of Geosciences, emeritus at Princeton University, has published widely on the global carbon cycle, on the use of chemical tracers to study ocean circulation, on the impact of climate change on ocean biology, biogeochemistry, ocean productivity, and fisheries, and on the role of the Southern Ocean in determining the air-sea balance of carbon dioxide. He has published over 200 journal articles and is co-author, along with Nicolas Gruber, of the graduate textbook Ocean Biogeochemical Dynamics, published by Princeton University Press.
He is currently Director of the Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modeling Program (SOCCOM), a 6-year NSF funded program, established in 2014, to deploy 200 biogeochemical Argo floats and carry out associated modeling and data interpretation. In addition to SOCCOM Director, Sarmiento has held various prominent posts. He is the founding Director of the Princeton/GFDL Cooperative Institute for Climate Science (CICS) established in 2003, and the Cooperative Institute for Modeling the Earth System (CIMES), established in 2018. He served as Director of the Princeton University Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Program from 1980-1990 and again from 2006-2015.
Sarmiento and his research group are directly involved in data analysis, model analysis and metric development, as well as high-resolution biogeochemical modeling.
Research Keywords: biogeochemistry, oceanography, carbon cycle and climate, fisheries, ocean circulation, ocean biology, ocean productivity, Southern Ocean biogeochemistry
Dr. Sarmiento's primary research interests are in the oceanic cycles of climatically important chemicals such as carbon dioxide, and in the use of chemical tracers to study ocean circulation. He has published widely on ocean tracers and the ocean carbon cycle, its history, its ongoing and potential future perturbations by mankind, and its relationship to climate change. Ongoing research includes the use of ocean general circulation models to estimate uptake of anthropogenic CO2, and the use of atmospheric general circulation models constrained with atmospheric CO2 observations to estimate transport of CO2 in the atmosphere. He is working in conjunction with ocean biologists to develop ecosystem models for predicting photosynthetic uptake of carbon in the surface ocean, as well as remineralization of organic matter in the deep ocean.
Dr. Sarmiento has participated in the scientific planning and execution of many of the large scale multi-institutional and international oceanographic biogeochemical and tracer programs of the last two decades, including the Geochemical Ocean Sections Study program, the Transient Tracers in the Oceans program, and the South Atlantic Ventilation Experiment. He is active in the ongoing World Ocean Circulation Experiment, Joint Global Ocean Flux Study, and International Geosphere-Biosphere Program. He served on the Climate Research Committee and Committee on Oceanic Carbon of the National Research Council, as well as on the Advisory Committee of Ocean Sciences of the National Science Foundation. He was on the editorial board of the Journal of Marine Research, Climate Dynamics, and Global Biogeochemical Cycles.
Research Web Page Links:
Research and Technical Staff
Lionel Arteaga, Postdoctoral Research Associate, [email protected]
Haidi Chen, Postdoctoral Research Associate, [email protected]
Alexander Haumann, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, [email protected]
Roberta Hotinski, SOCCOM Project Manager, [email protected]
Robert Key, Research Scholar, [email protected]
Graeme MacGilchrist, Posdoctoral Research Associate, [email protected]
Keith Rodgers, Visiting Research Collaborator, [email protected]
Sarah Schlunegger, Postdoctoral Research Associate, [email protected]
Rick Slater, Senior Professional Specialist, [email protected]
Fernando Gonzalez Taboada, Associate Research Scholar, [email protected]